Christmas Newsletter 2023

The Group has had a busy year with all rides remaining full and riders on the waiting list, which is reviewed regularly as we endeavour to give everyone who applies to RDA the opportunity to experience riding and enjoy the benefits.

We were invited by the BSJA Committee to join them at their annual Summer Show in June. RDA had a class of twelve children riding in groups of three. Donna kindly allowed us to rent the ponies for the day to allow us to give the children from Rouge Bouillon, Springfield and D’Auvergne Primary Schools the chance to participate and show off their skills in front of the horse community and their friends and families. It was a fantastic day and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Our Patron, Dr Kyd, kindly attended and presented rosettes to all the riders. We would like to thank all the volunteers who gave up their time on the Saturday to help with the event and Sarre & Co who donated the beautiful rosettes.

Ryan Le Monnier went to the Riding for the Disabled UK National Championship Qualifiers in Cornwall again this year. Unfortunately, he was not quite as successful as last year but rode a very good dressage test and came 3rd in his very competitive class.  He has been working hard at his riding and competing successfully entering the on-line dressage competitions run by RDA National. We hope that Ryan will enter the Qualifiers for the Championships again next year.

We held our annual fundraising bridge tea in February. This was very well attended and raised £2,030.00 which helped towards the new riding hats we have had to purchase this year.

Lucy and I would like to thank the hard-working Committee members and all volunteers who continue to give their time so willingly to help our riders. We also thank our supporters who have donated so generously to help us continue to give rides free of charge. 

After a disappointing Autumn term with so many cancellations because of the weather, we look forward to welcoming our riders back in 2024, plus new riders who will have the opportunity to experience the wonderful world of ponies and riding.

Cathy Fricker and Lucy Johnson

Chairman & Joint Group Organiser

December 2023